Provincial DAB

Provincial DAB Ltd is a joint venture between local radio and media companies Shine Radio in Petersfield, Wey Valley Radio in Alton, Haslemedia in Haslemere and Earshot Ltd, along with Readyformed Solutions Ltd who will be providing their open source DAB multiplexing solution already in use on the Bedford SSDAB MUX, as well as experienced industry professional Ash Elford.

Prior to our licence application in 2023 we received expressions of interest from multiple broadcasters. While the exact lineup is not yet confirmed, we expect to broadcast the following stations:

Wey Valley Radio
Shine Radio
Radio Haslemere

In addition, expressions of interest have been received from multiple stations including the following:

BFBS Gurkha
Business Brains
Outreach Dance
Outreach Radio
80s Rhythm
Nation Radio
Nation 80s

Planned Launch Coverage:

  • Planned Coverage Map